Saturday, January 18, 2014

Aghanims Scepter,When is it Viable?

Aghanims Scepter is one of the most appealing items in the game at first glance. It makes your best ability even better and it gives you great stats so of course you should buy it every time it's an option right?! Wrong. Aghanims Scepter can be a great item but it is also an item I see misused more than any other item in the game. In this post I will go through every hero in the game, and talk about when to/not to buy this item.

Aghs on Supports: A pretty safe assumption when playing a support is that Aghs is just not the best item for your situation. There will almost always be more cost-efficient items such as mekansm/force staff/euls etc. and most Aghs support upgrades just aren't that good. However, there will always be the exceptions.

I will break the heroes down into three categories. 1.Asking to Lose 2. Usually better options than Aghs. 3. Solid Pick-up. 4. Absolutely must have every game.

I. Asking to Lose

1. Huskar: We all know ten second cooldown on Huskar slam-dunks can have it's advantages but there is no situation where it is optimal,  you are much better off getting bkb/armlet/damage/tanky items in general than investing in a scepter.

2. Axe: It used to be the go-to build for Axe because just like Huskar, getting a triple dunk in fights is so much fun with 6 second cooldown ulti. However with the recent change to Axe ult(No cooldown on ult if decapitate is successful) the only reason to get an Aghs is if you are failing your ults and need a safety net. If that's the case then maybe you should consider a new hero.

3. Doom: When you read the upgrade for Doom it sounds incredibly appealing and OP. The problem is that doom already lasts pretty much the duration of an average team fight and if you go for Aghs instead of tanking up you don't live long enough for the upgrade to be useful and come into play. The only exception could be ultra late game as a situational last item but even then I would argue there are better choices.

4. Undying: This hero is my baby, and his scepter upgrade is so underwhelming, it isn't his ult that makes him a great hero but rather his tombstone and durability. Wasting money on scepter is a shame when you are 10x more effective with blade mail/necrobook/mekansm or pretty much any item ever.

5. Luna: Luna is the arguably the hardest carry in the game so needless to say wasting an item slot on more beams is rather silly. The ult isn't the centerpiece of this hero, the right click is. Build HoD/BKB/manta.

6. Gyrocopter: Same story as Luna, Gyro is a very good farming hard-carry with a nice teamfight ultimate. Getting global range on the ultimate seems rather silly considering you shouldn't be missing big teamfights, and the skill itself doesn't possess the damage to snipe down kills from across the map.

7. Puck: Puck is the master of utility and elusiveness. This is arguably the worst scepter upgrade in the game as it just add's range on the ultimate and coil break damage. Puck already needs blink/sheep/euls/dagon and better items, this fairy shouldn't mess around with scepter.

8.  Outworld Devourer: Alongside Puck this is see as the worst upgrade in the game. It adds damage to your slam dunk but you would literally add MORE damage to it with simply an Mystic Staff(2700g) compared to the 4200g price of an Aghanims. Makes sense right?

II. Usually Better Options

1. Earthshaker: Essentially adds more damage, I haven't done the math but I think a Veil of Discord would add as much if not more damage to his ulti, as well as damage from his other skills and your teammates nukes. In addition to this, Earthshaker is a very good Shivas Guard carrier as well so just go for that :)

2. Omniknight: Pretty cool idea in theory but just like with Gyrocopter, upgrading your ulti to global isn't that big of a deal considering you should be right in the middle of every teamfight as an omniknight. 4.2K is better spent on a mek+force staff.

3. Pudge: Scepter on Pudge can be an ok situational pick-up but only when facing a line-up that has minimal stuns. If they have minimal chance to stun you in teamfights, getting off a full duration ult can change a fight. However if stuns are numerous on the opposing team, you are better off building into a heart.

4. Sand King: The Aghs adds ALOT of damage and on top of a veil makes SK a desolating machine. Wouldn't suggest on support Sand King.

4. Night Stalker: Again his is situational, has potential to be very powerful if used in combination with a gem, but if you don't abuse the clear vision you are better off going Armlet/BKB.

5. Abbadon: 4200 gold for 2 seconds of ultimate is simply not worth it. Unless you are going the PPP(Patented Pumpkin Pub build) Radiance--->Aghs>Refresher.

6.  Crystal Maiden: This is one I see alot that is just not very good. Yea it adds alot of damage, but if you are a lowly CM and you aren't sitting on a bkb, getting off a full duration ulti is unrealistic. Feelin like a pimp loaded with ca$h? Buy your team a sheepstick or Eul's.

7.  Windranger: Dps windrunner is already kind of out there as far as a build goes, and having an aghs isn't useful unless you are already sitting on 3+damage items. Going hyper-late game WR and need to top off your set? Then and only then shall you buy scepter.

8.  Lina: +300 Damage is cool and all but for the same price of aghs you can get a Dagon 2 which is +500 damage. Not saying that is the optimal build but it's just a comparision of cost-efficiency.

9. Natures Prophet: Natures Prophet players only build Aghs when they are spamming ult off cooldown to farm/push lanes but this is the pubby way of playing the hero. Pushing out lanes by spamming ult hurts your team and gives your teammates nowhere to farm, you should be split pushing lanes with your creeps and thus building Necro/Shadowblade. Aghs Refresher is only acceptable in "YOU CAN'T RUN FROM HEAVEN STRAT" With Zeus/Spectre/Invoker. :D

10. Jakiro: Same story as every other support, more damage isn't worth it.

11. Silencer

12: Ogre Magi: I hate to put him in this tier because it is hella fun to have two stuns on seperate cooldowns. But the 400 manacost is just too much to ask for a support ogre. Farming Ogre? get yourself a shiny Aghanims bud.

13. Skywrath Mage: This is one where the idea seems ridiculous, no cooldown on a 1200 damage ulti?!?!?!?!? Just like with many other heroes though, Skywrath doesn't have the mana support for this to be effective, even with 1-2 items before Aghs. At level 16 his ult costs a whopping 800 mana, try casting that multiple times and see how fast you become useless.

14. Bane: Situationally useful just like CM/Pudge if they have minimal cancels go for it #YOLO

15. Lich: Adds damage and range, but casting Lich ulti from great range is a bad idea anyway since it just gives them more time to split. Pick up a Veil if you want more damage!

16. Lion: Bad on support Lion, situational on solo mid Lion. Regardless my mid Lion build consists of Blink/Force/Necronomicon/Dagon.

17. Witch Doctor: Same rule as other channeling ulti's on supports. However this one does WORK if you get it off, great combo with BKB.

18. Enigma: Cool concept but bkb/refresher is always going to be better. Maybe as a final item in an ultra-late game.

19. Queen of Pain: Cooldown reduction is nice but if you go aghs you are forcing yourself into a not-so-useful late game QoP. Sheep gives far more potential on the hero!

20. Dazzle: Is range upgrade really necessary for that ult? Duration buff is strong but Dazzle is too good with other utility items.

21. Leshrac: Support Lesh=No mana pool to justify Aghs.

22. Dark Seer: Situationally good when against HEAVY right click teams. Other than that it's mediocre.

23. Ancient Apparition: Good on solo mid AA because if you get it early it's absurd, but alas support AA can never afford such luxury.

24. Spirit Breaker: AOE ulti sounds cool on paper but it isn't as large as you would think.
III. Solid Pick-Up

1. Beastmaster: The extra range is pretty absurd, if you have a blink/aghs your effective range for ulti becomes ridiculous. Lower cooldown also means you are always a threat to execute pickoffs.

2. Clockwerk: Hooks for days! 12 sec cooldown isn't really fair, the only reason this isn't in God-tier is because there are a plethora of items that are incredible on clock so it isn't a must-have every game. Still damn good though.

3. Brewmaster: Not as strong as the old Aghs, and if you suffer with your micro a bit it really isn't worth it. but having double stomp/haze is really good utility. Not as strong late-game as he used to be though.


5. Juggernaut: Unlike his counterpart in Heroes of Newerth, Juggernaut really isn't the best late-game carry that people may make him out to be. Due to healing ward he really shines in the mid-game, right about the time you pick up an aghs scepter you can crush the game and take all tier 2 towers while forcing fights that you can win/

6. Vengeful Spirit: If you ever have the money to pick up a "big" item on vengeful it should almost always be the scepter! 10 second cooldown on ulti makes it so you can play ultra aggressive. Remember not to invest in big items as a support until your team has a mek/medallion!

7. Venomancer: Veno upgrade actually adds metric fucktons of damage but it is costly for a wee support veno. However if you find yourself rolling in the dollars after core support items are up, it' not the worst item in the world.

8. Zeus: The Thunder God is all about that straight damage, Aghs is good on him but I wouldn't suggest it as a first item, get a force staff or some sort of utility first.

9. Shadow Shaman: SOO MANY WARDS!

10. Enchantress:  A must have if you are a farming enchantress, if you are spending alot of time supporting this might not be your best option.

11. Chen: 30 Second cooldown on ulti means pretty much infinite push, good item to follow up mek/force staff if you have the $$.

12. Rubick: Situational if the other team has easy to steal+good Aghs ults that makes it a necessity. Also the 5 second cooldown+longer range makes you a pretty good ghetto Invoker.

13. Necrophos: Another situational pick-up that is really really good late game. However it should only be picked up as a third or fourth item because the buyback factor isn't as large until the late game.

IV. Absolute Must Have

1. Tiny: Tiny is played differently in Dota 2 than his counterpart in HoN. In HoN you would go mid and get a blink dagger asap and wipe kids off the map. In Dota there is a better option. Chunking kids in the head with a giant tree and hitting harder than a couple semis put together. Buy this shit.

2. Razor: Aghs on Razor is one of the best items in the game for breaking base. Razor shouldn't be built like a right click carry but rather a durable semi-carry. Standard Razor build is Mek--Aghs--BKB. Refresher aghs for two ults at once wins games.

3. Viper: Same story as Razor. Don't build this guy as a hard right clicker for the love of God. go 1-4-4 skill build, and get Mek-Aghs-BKB every single game, no exceptions. Viper aghs is arguably the best in the game.

4. Disruptor: Who doesn't like an AOE doom? Aghs should always be the first "big item" you build on disruptor, shit's cash.

5. Warlock: Double Golem is pretty unstoppable, if you manage to get a refresher for four golems you pretty much win the game.

6. Pugna: No CD on ult, no contest. Bong rips for days boys, bong rips for days.

7. Invoker: a must for any non-pubby Invoker that can handle using spells on a two second cooldown.

8. Visage: 3 birds. Nuff said.\

9. Meepo: Pre-Scepter Meepo is incredibly weak since the recent 6.79 changes, and having an extra Meepo can't hurt right?


My biggest beef with Aghanims as an item is that no matter what hero you have, if it is available to buy it is a suggested item. This is silly considering how some of these upgrades are just mediocre at best. Remember, if you are a support hero, before you buy an Aghs make sure your team has a Mek/Medallion and at least one force staff! Happy dunking pubs.

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